Monday, October 20, 2014


My apologies, friends, for the long absence of words.  I promise, they will return someday, and we will all rejoice.  In the meantime, watch this hilarious video: Animator vs. Animation IV.  Possibly my favorite video of the internet.

What excuses can I give to garner your forgiveness?  School has been crazy.  Life has been crazy.  But, if I was truly dedicated to this blog, it's not actually crazy enough to keep me from posting.  I suppose I'm just not dedicated enough, although I enjoy sharing my stories, and I've been working on other writing projects.

Another reason for my absence: most publishing venues count blogs as real publications, and so if a publication stipulates that it only accepts unpublished work (as many do), then anything I share to this blog can't be submitted to more credible options.  That's a big drain, and most projects I'm currently working on are for magazines or contests of that sort.  Even so, if I actually get work published, then I (tentatively) promise to post it here, after!

Enjoy your lives!  I'll try to get something up eventually.